Navy Friday Funny – The Senior Chief Strikes Again

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Each military branch of the United States has its own cultures, language, and traditions. In the Navy, the Chief Petty Officer serves a dual role as both a technical expert and as a leader; emphasis being more on leadership. There is always a sense of humor that comes from this culture. For the Navy, I find the more ingenious humor typically involves a CPO.

Enjoy this Navy Friday Funny!

A big city lawyer went duck hunting in rural Georgia early one December morning. After a few minutes of waiting in his duck blind, he shot and dropped a bird, but it fell into a farmer’s field on the other side of a fence.

As the lawyer climbed over the fence, an elderly farmer, wearing a U.S. Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer ball cap, drove up on his John Deere and “politely” asked the lawyer what he was doing.

The lawyer responded in kind. “I shot a duck and it fell into this field, and now I’m going to retrieve it.”

The Senior Chief turned off his tractor and replied. “This is my property, and you’re not coming over here.”

The indignant lawyer arrogantly replied. “I’m one of the best trial lawyers in the southeast and if you don’t let me get that duck, I’ll sue your ass and take everything you own.”

The old farmer slowly stepped off his tractor, smiled and said, “Apparently, you don’t know how we do things here in northwest Georgia.”

The Chief walked over toward the fence. “We settle small disagreements like this with the Georgia “Three Kick Rule.”

“What the hell is the Georgia Three Kick Rule?”

The Chief calmly replied, “Well, first I kick you three times and then you kick me three times. And so on, back and forth, until someone gives up.”

The lawyer quickly thought about the proposed contest and decided that he could easily take the old farmer. He agreed to abide by the local custom.

The Chief slowly walked up to the lawyer. His first kick planted the toe of his steel-toed flight deck boots into the lawyer’s groin, dropping the arrogant ass to his knees.

His second kick ripped the smug smile straight off the lawyer’s face.

The lawyer was now flat on his belly, sprawled out on the ground. The Chief’s third kick landed on the lawyer’s kidney, nearly causing him to give up.

But the lawyer, a Bulldog from University of Georgia, was too proud. He summoned every bit of his will and managed to get to his feet and said, “Okay, you old POS, now it’s my turn.”

The Senior Chief smiled and while walking away, calmly said. “Naw… I give up. You can keep the duck!”

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: Never mess with a retired Senior Chief.

2 thoughts on “Navy Friday Funny – The Senior Chief Strikes Again

  1. And that’s why I joined the Navy as an enlisted man, never wanted to be an attorney. good example

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