#165—Back Then, I Could Sleep Anywhere

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) My dad wrote in his diary, “You Can’t Get Much Closer Than This…” about sleeping in foxholes during World War II in Europe. Not occasionally, mind you, but most of his time over there. Except… Read more#165—Back Then, I Could Sleep Anywhere

Launch the Alert 5!

Not many people in this world have heard the phrase, “Launch the Alert 5!” I mean, why would they? Unless, of course, they watched the movie, “Top Gun.” But for those of us who have lived it… it’s more than… Read moreLaunch the Alert 5!

#163—Old Habits Die Hard

US Navy Veteran Patch

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) “Old Habits Die Hard.” From Dr. Google… “Said to mean that people are often reluctant to change their way of doing something, especially something which they have been doing for a long time.” “Old Habits… Read more#163—Old Habits Die Hard

#162—My Best Day(s) in the Navy

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) I’ve been slacking a bit in my blog writing over the past few months. There’s really not a good excuse, except… as my dad used to say… “I’ve been busier than a one-armed paperhanger working… Read more#162—My Best Day(s) in the Navy

#161—The “Pucker Factor”

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) According to Professor Google, the term, “Pucker Factor,” originated somewhere, sometime in the 60s. I never knew the term during my early elementary and junior high school years, though there were times when it would… Read more#161—The “Pucker Factor”

#160 – Quotes… and Happy New Year!

I’m “cheating” on this blog post. With the holidays, visits to family… visits from family… life got busy again. Not a bad thing for a retired guy. So, I’m reposting this message from last year. It was one of my… Read more#160 – Quotes… and Happy New Year!

#153—The “Dream Sheet”

USS Kitty Hawk CV-63 underway Western Pacific 29 November 1970

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) Your airman will make requests for their first duty station selection while at Basic Military Training (BMT). They will fill out a form, known as a “dream sheet,” to list their assignment preferences. They will… Read more#153—The “Dream Sheet”

#149—Short? “Five Days and a Wake-up”

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) In my last post I wrote two weeks ago was my “Anniversary” of joining Uncle Sam’s Canoe Club 50 years ago. That post got me to thinking about those last few days aboard USS Kitty… Read more#149—Short? “Five Days and a Wake-up”

Blog #146—Flight Ops: Another Fine Day in the Navy!

Since I’m out on vacation this week, I thought I’d repost one of my favorite blogs. During my short Three Years, Eleven Months, and 29 Days (But Who’s Counting) career in the Navy, my rating was an ABH (Aviation Boatswain’s… Read moreBlog #146—Flight Ops: Another Fine Day in the Navy!

#142—An Unexpected Delight

This past week, my wife and I had the pleasure to attend a reception for local authors and artists. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but since one of my simple “prose” writings had been accepted, I thought it would… Read more#142—An Unexpected Delight