Navy Friday Funny – Gunny & the Senior Chief

Enjoy this Navy Friday Funny!

A Marine Gunnery Sergeant and a Navy Senior Chief are walking down the street in downtown San Diego.

The Gunny slips into a baker’s shop and emerges with three buns in his pockets. “I slipped these off the shelf and into my pockets without anyone noticing,” he said. “That took craft and guile.”

“That’s just common thievery,” snorted the Senior Chief. “Follow me and I’ll show you how to get free buns legally.”

So, the Senior Chief and the Gunny walk into the bakery and approach the counter. The Chief sees the baker and says, “Do you want to see a magic trick?”

The baker, in between customers and baking says, “Sure, why not.”

“OK,” the Chief says. “Hand me one of those buns.”

The baker hands the Chief a bun, which he puts into his mouth and proceeds to eat it. The Chief then asks for a second one and eats it. Then, a third.

The baker rolls his eyes and shrugged. “OK. What’s the magic trick?”

The Chief points to the Gunny. “Look in his pockets…”

Never… try to one-up a Senior Chief.

6 thoughts on “Navy Friday Funny – Gunny & the Senior Chief

  1. Chet it’s a good thing you did not stay in and make Chief I have a feeling these stores would become real.

  2. I bet those “few good men” will be pissed off about that one, but I loved it. Haha.

    1. I have several Marine vet friends. This actually came from one of them, but reversed. I just “Chiefed” it up. We all share the same sick sense of humor.

  3. Yep, no doubt about that. I have to say though, it makes more sense to me, “chiefed up.” I could never resist asking about those few good men, as in, Have you found those guys, yet? Just an agitator, I guess.
    Thanks for all you do, Andy.
    An aside, a few years ago, the former CO of HS-8 and I corresponded for awhile when I discovered that he had been raised in China. I was teaching teaching English to Chinese at the time.
    I also got to apologize for some “dumb kid” stunts I pulled while in HS-8. That has meant a lot to me over the years since.
    Blessings to you and yours.

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