#187—Westpac ’75: Transit to PI

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) I’m writing a multi-part series of articles about a US Navy cruise in the Pacific, commonly known as a “Westpac.” I made one Westpac in 1975. It made quite an impression on me and it’s… Read more#187—Westpac ’75: Transit to PI

#127—Rig the Barricade

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) Who said, “One you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”? Match the following one-liners with the appropriate movie: “It’s alive! It’s alive!” 2001 A Space Odyssey “What we’ve got here… Read more#127—Rig the Barricade

#120—Merging the Past with the Present

There are times in our lives when the past seems to merge with the present. For me, this was one of them. I recently returned from a reunion of USS Kitty Hawk veterans, held in San Diego. Many of these… Read more#120—Merging the Past with the Present

#112—“Eject! Eject!”—Excitement from the Flight Deck

NACES seat test using a McDonnell YF-4J Phantom II at the US Navy Naval Weapons Station China Lake, CA (1987). Official US Navy photo.

#94—Flight Deck Operations: Aircraft Launch

F-18 Launches off USS Ronald Reagan

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) Who said, “Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”? In what movie (and who said it)… Read more#94—Flight Deck Operations: Aircraft Launch