#189—Westpac ’75: It’s Not Just a Job…

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) I’m writing a multi-part series of articles about a US Navy cruise in the Pacific, commonly known as a “Westpac.” I made one Westpac in 1975. It made quite an impression on me and it’s… Read more#189—Westpac ’75: It’s Not Just a Job…

#172—Change of “Scenery” (Red to Yellow)

April 1977—USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63)Somewhere off the Coast of California “Hey Chet… You ready for this?” I was sporting my new, brightly colored jersey… this one is yellow. My new “home” is no longer the Crash Crew, but now I’m… Read more#172—Change of “Scenery” (Red to Yellow)

#158—My Favorite Navy Jets (70s version)

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) Someone recently asked me what my favorite plane was when I was in the Navy. Not an unusual question for a Navy veteran, but it came from a young’un, probably not yet a teen. She… Read more#158—My Favorite Navy Jets (70s version)

#132—The Navy That Stayed with Me Through the Years

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) My Navy “career” was a short four years. Actually, it was 3 Years, 11 Months, & 29 Days, But Who’s Counting? It may have been short, but during those formidable years, 1973-77, I learned a… Read more#132—The Navy That Stayed with Me Through the Years

#112—“Eject! Eject!”—Excitement from the Flight Deck

NACES seat test using a McDonnell YF-4J Phantom II at the US Navy Naval Weapons Station China Lake, CA (1987). Official US Navy photo.

#101—From the Flight Deck: Indescribable Beauty

If you’re listening to this audio, take a moment and close your eyes. Allow me to describe beauty beyond comparison from the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. This is not about jet aircraft taking off and landing. This is… Read more#101—From the Flight Deck: Indescribable Beauty

#98—Flight Ops: Aircraft Recovery

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) Who said, “Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”? In what movie (and who said it)… Read more#98—Flight Ops: Aircraft Recovery

#94—Flight Deck Operations: Aircraft Launch

F-18 Launches off USS Ronald Reagan

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) Who said, “Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”? In what movie (and who said it)… Read more#94—Flight Deck Operations: Aircraft Launch

#61—There’s a Reason for the Flight Deck “Foul Line”

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) Who said, “Living to a ripe old age is not an end in itself. The trick is to enjoy the years remaining.”? In what movie (and who said it) did we hear, “I’m walking here!… Read more#61—There’s a Reason for the Flight Deck “Foul Line”

#54 – Westpac ’75 Aircraft Carrier Squadrons

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) Who said, “Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”? In what movie (and who said it) did we hear, “I don’t know what’s scarier, losing nuclear weapons, or… Read more#54 – Westpac ’75 Aircraft Carrier Squadrons