#158—My Favorite Navy Jets (70s version)

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) Someone recently asked me what my favorite plane was when I was in the Navy. Not an unusual question for a Navy veteran, but it came from a young’un, probably not yet a teen. She… Read more#158—My Favorite Navy Jets (70s version)

#157—Oh, the Places You’ll Go…

Andy Adkins: Boot Camp, Retired

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) What my Recruiter Said – “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” It’s been over 50 years since I walked into the Navy recruiter’s office in Tallahassee, Florida. At the tender young age of 18, I was… Read more#157—Oh, the Places You’ll Go…

#153—The “Dream Sheet”

USS Kitty Hawk CV-63 underway Western Pacific 29 November 1970

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) Your airman will make requests for their first duty station selection while at Basic Military Training (BMT). They will fill out a form, known as a “dream sheet,” to list their assignment preferences. They will… Read more#153—The “Dream Sheet”

#149—Short? “Five Days and a Wake-up”

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) In my last post I wrote two weeks ago was my “Anniversary” of joining Uncle Sam’s Canoe Club 50 years ago. That post got me to thinking about those last few days aboard USS Kitty… Read more#149—Short? “Five Days and a Wake-up”

Blog #146—Flight Ops: Another Fine Day in the Navy!

Since I’m out on vacation this week, I thought I’d repost one of my favorite blogs. During my short Three Years, Eleven Months, and 29 Days (But Who’s Counting) career in the Navy, my rating was an ABH (Aviation Boatswain’s… Read moreBlog #146—Flight Ops: Another Fine Day in the Navy!

#142—An Unexpected Delight

This past week, my wife and I had the pleasure to attend a reception for local authors and artists. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but since one of my simple “prose” writings had been accepted, I thought it would… Read more#142—An Unexpected Delight

#132—The Navy That Stayed with Me Through the Years

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) My Navy “career” was a short four years. Actually, it was 3 Years, 11 Months, & 29 Days, But Who’s Counting? It may have been short, but during those formidable years, 1973-77, I learned a… Read more#132—The Navy That Stayed with Me Through the Years

#124—Nighttime on the Flight Deck, Part 1: Launch

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) “What the hell took you so long, Chet?” Borne was his usual self—always smiling, cracking a joke, and making light of the moment. He knew the chow lines were often long enough to finish a… Read more#124—Nighttime on the Flight Deck, Part 1: Launch

#122—“Three-two…” and Other Navy “Numbers” I Can Never Forget

Trivia Questions (Answers @ end) Who said, “Life gets more precious when there’s less of it to waste.”? In what movie (and who said it), did we hear, “We thought you was a toad.”? In what song (and who sang… Read more#122—“Three-two…” and Other Navy “Numbers” I Can Never Forget

#120—Merging the Past with the Present

There are times in our lives when the past seems to merge with the present. For me, this was one of them. I recently returned from a reunion of USS Kitty Hawk veterans, held in San Diego. Many of these… Read more#120—Merging the Past with the Present