Navy Friday Funny – The Chief & the Grog

Each military branch of the United States has its own cultures, language, and traditions. In the Navy, the Chief Petty Officer serves a dual role as both a technical expert and as a leader; emphasis being more on leadership. There is always a sense of humor that comes from this culture. For the Navy, I find the more ingenious humor typically involves a CPO.

Enjoy this Navy Friday Funny.

A crusty old Chief Petty Officer stumbles into a bar in downtown San Diego on afternoon, and asks the bartender, “Do you have any grog?”

The bartender replies, “No, I don’t have any grog.”

“Okay,” and the Chief leaves.

The next day, the same Chief walks into the same bar about the same time and again asks the bartender, “Do you have any grog?”

The bartender again states, “No, we don’t have any grog.”

So the Chief leaves.

On the third day, the Chief walks into the same bar and again asks the bartender, “Do you have any grog?”

Where upon the bartender grumbles at the Chief, “Listen, Chief! You’ve been coming in here every afternoon asking about grog, and every afternoon I’ve been telling you, ‘We have no grog!’ Now, if you come in here one more time and ask about grog, I’m going to nail your lips to this bar! You got that?”

The Chief’s expression didn’t change. “Yes, I do,” and he walks out the door.

Several days pass and the Chief shows up at the bar again. “Do you have any nails?”

“No, we don’t have any nails,” replied the bartender.

“Then, do you have any grog?”