Navy Friday Funny – The Chief’s Wife Cooks Breakfast

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Each military branch of the United States has its own cultures, language, and traditions. In the Navy, the Chief Petty Officer serves a dual role as both a technical expert and as a leader; emphasis being more on leadership. There is always a sense of humor that comes from this culture. For the Navy, I find the more ingenious humor typically involves a CPO.

Enjoy this Navy Friday Funny.

A Navy Chief’s wife was making him a breakfast of fried eggs.

Suddenly, the Chief bursts into the kitchen.

“Careful,” he says. “Careful! Put in some more butter! Oh my gosh, you’re cooking too many at one time. TOO MANY! Turn them, TURN THEM NOW! We need more butter.

“Oh my gosh. Where are we going to get more butter? They’re going to stick! Careful, Careful! I said be CAREFUL!

“You NEVER listen to me when you’re cooking. NEVER!

“Turn them. Hurry up! Are you crazy? Have you lost your mind?

“Don’t forget to salt them. You know you always forget the salt. USE.THE.SALT!!!”

The wife set the pan aside, turned and glared at the Chief.

“What in the world is wrong with you? You think I don’t know how to fry a couple of eggs?”

The Chief took a step closer and calmly replied.

“I just wanted to show you what it feels like when I’m driving and you’re in the front passenger seat.”