Navy Friday Funny – The Master Chief & the Balloonist

Each military branch of the United States has its own cultures, language, and traditions. In the Navy, the Chief Petty Officer serves a dual role as both a technical expert and as a leader; emphasis being more on leadership. There is always a sense of humor that comes from this culture. For the Navy, I find the more ingenious humor typically involves a CPO.

Enjoy this Navy Friday Funny. An oldie but a goodie!

A man is flying in a hot air balloon and realizes that he is lost. He reduces height and spots a man down below.

He lowers the balloon further and shouts, “Excuse me, can you tell where I am?”

The man below says, “Yes, you’re in a hot air balloon, hovering 30 feet above this field.”

“You must be a Chief Petty Officer,” says the balloonist.

“I am,” replies the man. “How did you know?”

“Well,” says the balloonist, “everything you have told me is technically correct, but it’s of no use to anyone.”

The man below says, “You must be an Officer.”

“I am,” replies the balloonist. “But how did you know?”

“Well,” says the man, “you don’t know where you are, or where you are going, but you expect me to be able to help. You’re in the same position you were before we met, but now it’s my fault.”