Navy Friday Funny – Two “Senior” Senior Chiefs

Each military branch of the United States has its own cultures, language, and traditions. In the Navy, the Chief Petty Officer serves a dual role as both a technical expert and as a leader; emphasis being more on leadership. There is always a sense of humor that comes from this culture. For the Navy, I find the more ingenious humor typically involves a CPO.

This week’s Navy Friday Funny is coming on Thursday, but Navy “Thursday” Funny just didn’t sound right.

Enjoy this Navy Friday Funny!
(On Thursday)

Two senior Senior Chief Petty Officers left the bar at closing time, 0200. Both had a little too much to drink, but it wasn’t the first time. They knew that between them they’d know how to get back to the base.

When they came to an intersection, the light was red, yet they kept on cruising through it. The Chief on the passenger side thought to himself, “I feel like I’m losing it, but I swear we just drove through a red light.”

A few minutes later, they drove through another red light—thank the good Lord that no other cars were around. The Chief on the passenger side was almost certain that the light had been red, but was still slightly concerned that he might be a little too drunk, so he decided to give the driver one last chance.

As they approached the next intersection, the Chief on the passenger side paid much more attention. This time, the light was certainly red, yet just as before, they drove right through it.

“Senior!” the Chief barked. “Do you know we just ran three red lights in a row? We could have been killed!”

The Senior Chief driving looked over… “Oh, am I driving?”

2 thoughts on “Navy Friday Funny – Two “Senior” Senior Chiefs

  1. Andy:
    Some how I lost this I’m a retired ABEC so that makes us brothers. I retired 25 years ago and just before I retired a good friend of mine who was a Chief was given a less than honerable discharge. Due to a DUI, yes in the 90’s they started any E7 or above who gets an alcohol related offence will be discharged immediately. If less then 20 year’s no retirement will be given. He had 19 and 8 months. 4.0 Evals never at Mast within 6 months 20 senore ABE’s dropped our to retire. I gave up Senior Chief cause it was wrong. So I don’t think they would drive they would call a cab. I love all your other writing’s and thinking of starting my own just to get into some of the schools around here so the young guys can really see that we did have fun. Thanks you Andy Chief Dino (Kimo) Sarti

    1. Thanks, Chief. I know sometimes my posts hit closer to home than others. I would encourage you (and anyone else) to write down your memories, both good and not-so-good. It is something that can be passed down to future generations. I know when I read things written by sailors from WWII and compare them to my own experience(s), there are many similarities and many differences, but what stands out the most to me is the continued comradery we all have in common. Take care and may God bless!

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